Feet4cash renews its affiliate program, thanks NATS

Feet4cash renews its affiliate program, thanks NATS

After a long integration process that lasted about two months, finally Feet4Cash is ready to welcome its affiliates in the new NATS platform.

The decision has been made in order to support the affiliates with better tools to monitor and optimize traffic, and, after a long selection, the choice focussed on NATS, the leading product in the sector produced by TooMuchMedia

One of the new features for Feet4Cash affiliates will also be the possibility to receive payments via PAXUM.

“It was finally time to take this step” says Massimiliano Bonelli, co-founder of Feet4Cash “we want to finally guarantee our affiliates all the tools to optimize their traffic and be more successful with us”

I have been keeping an eye on the Feet4Cash journey for a few years now, and was in contact with Massimiliano for a while,” says John Mauser, director of Sales and Marketing for TooMuchMedia.
He continues “Massimiliano knew he could count on us anytime, and when he reached me out saying Feet4Cash was ready to jump on NATS, it didn’t take me long to put open his account with us. I was thrilled”

Cover image by fauxels






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